
Thursday, August 18, 2011

It's Just Heartbreaking

I don't understand why sometimes there are people who are completely ignored like they don't even matter. I mean, when observing people and how they interact with others can be pretty hard sometimes. Let me explain what I'm getting at here. Today I was eating some lunch and I noticed a homeless man walk by. He smiled and waved, I smiled and waved back. A few minutes later I saw the man walk away, and as he walked by someone else he smiled and waved at them. The people he waved to, completely ignored him as if he didn't exist. I had to ask myself why did that just happen? He was just being friendly, not even asking for anything in return other than a wave, and smile.

I witness this kind of behavior very often. I see people walking by homeless people as if they're invisible. It really breaks my heart to see people ignored, forgotten, and sometimes even beaten. I've heard many stories from many homeless men and women in both San Francisco, and San Diego and every one of them broke my heart in one way or another. I've said this a while back, but I'll say it again.... my heart has been ruined, but ruined in love. There is a lot that I've witnessed already, but it has only given me a bigger love for these people. God has given me such a heart for them. The more I see people ignored, the more I want to sit by there side and let them know that they are valuable. They are loved. They do have a purpose. They are not forgotten. They need to hear it time and time again, because most of them don't feel that way.

God loves them. He loves all of us so much that He sent His Son to die for us. God loves everyone from rich to poor, young to old. God's love is so great that there isn't anything you can do to change that. Our job is to share that love. Let the world know who Jesus is and be the hands and feet of Jesus. It is something that I strive to do each day. With God's power working in me, and His strength guiding me through, I can. I want to continue to sit next to the hurting people in this world and listen to their story, but more imporantly tell them that God loves them. Share with them what Jesus did for them, and pray for them.

"Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." Matthew 25:40

Father, I pray that You will continue to break my heart for what breaks Yours. I pray for the people who feel forgotten, and unloved. Help Your children to share that love. Help us to let our lights shine for You. God I pray that those who feel alone, that You will surround them with Your presence. Fill their hearts with Your love, and may they have that everlasting joy and happiness that only You can give. God give me the words to share with them. I pray that Your Name will be glorified. In my weakness may you become strong. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Great Adventures

The summer has come and gone as we said our farewells to the final Mission Adventures team last weekend. It was an incredible week with them, and I will not forget it. Each student was challenged in one way or another to step out of their comfort zones, take a step of faith, and share Jesus with the people of the city. I can say that I am proud of each and every one of these students as I witnessed them sharing with the lost and hurting people of San Diego.

There were several activities my co-leaders and I did with the team. The students created signs to display in SeaPort Village. The purpose of the sign was to encourage people, make them stop and think, and also to start up a conversation with those walking by. Many did stop by and ask what the sign was about, and that gave the students the open opportunity to share their faith. The students also had a chance to make a lunch and share with a homeless person. We also took the teams down to Feeding America SD and labled 1500 cans for the needy. Each evening, we helped out with a VBS at a local church. On the final night of VBS I was asked to share about YWAM, and our mission. After the week long team left, a weekend team came and served with us. We did similar activities with them. I also was able to go to Mt. Soledad ("Prayer Mountain," is what YWAM calls it,) with this team. We took the team there to pray over the city of San Diego, and the seven spheres of influence. On top of the mountain is a huge cross pointing up to the sky. It really gave me that reminder of Who is over this city, nation, and world. We had a time of singing on the grass area, and as the students were singing I observed the people around us. We had a family stop and join us and sang with us. It was awesome! For both teams, I shared about the issues of poverty, hunger, and human trafficking in the city. I have done a lot of studying on those issues in this city. It is something that many of us don't realize that happens so much in the states but it certainly does. Each night the teams wrote down the names of the people they talked to and they filled several pages.

It was certainly an amazing week, and this summer really was a great adventure for us. This past week I was able to participate in mostly everything. God gave me a lot of strength to do so. Now as I sit here, I am reflecting on all that had happened this summer. God's call on my life to come back to San Diego and start urban ministry became a reality. There have certainly been quite a few battles along the way, and even though I'm not through the battles, I am fighting them with His strength. As I continue to walk forward, God has a lot He wants me to do and learn, and as I continue on ministering in the streets, I trust that God will be my guide and His name will be glorified through it all.