That's a good question, i know. Ever had it where life seems to get away from you and you get caught up in doing the same old thing day after day, the same routine day after day, week after week? Life has a way of becoming like that, doesn't it? We are all busy with day to day activities and before we know it, another day, week, month, and year have passed.
I have been meaning to write more but there's always some excuse that comes up and makes me say, "I'll do it later," and of course later comes but something else comes along that gets my attention. Sad part is, it's usually not all that important. Usually what ends up happening is I have to down sick, or something with nothing else to do, before I think about writing something. Like right now😏
I have been doing well for the most part this past year. Nothing major, and not a whole lot of sinus issues and the typical issues that I tend to get. I have remained out of the hospital for well over a year now. Well, this past weekend was a day spent in the ER but I wasn't admitted and my head is totally fine and has been stable for a while now. Tremors and nerves have also been under control. So why the visit you may ask.. The doctor told me to go.
No, she didn't tell me to go, just for me to say hello to the staff and patients. I've been struggling since the end of January with always getting tired, and short of breath way too easily and the lungs hurting and feeling worse. I went to the doctor after a week of feeling that way and was told that I had started to develop pneumonia and I was put on some antibiotics and sent on my way. I gave it a few days for it to work, but I still wasn't feeling better. In fact it felt like I was getting a little worse. The doctor reassured me that it just takes time and to be patient. I had seen the doctor three times and had the same answer, "patience." " Fine, I'll wait a little longer." I thought.
I had been having good days in the midst of this though as well as the rough days feeling extra tired and all. Last week, it was very evident that I was feeling worse, and people could read it all over my face. I started to develop a fever on Friday and I emailed my doctor. She advised me to come in to the office and I listened. 😇
The doctor I saw, did the exam and had some lab work and a chest X-Ray done. X-ray was clear but the labs came back reading that my white blood cell count was quite high, which meant I was fighting some sort of infection. That only meant, I was sent home with more antibiotics. What is it about prescribing those so fast without doing a little more investigating anyway? If you know the answer to that please tell me.😉
The doctor wanted me to come into urgent care on Sunday morning to do another exam and see my progress. Well, I never made it that far because on Saturday my temperature was rising pretty high. I was able to get it down with Tylenol but it would go up again. The doctor I saw Friday evening called me twice on Saturday to follow-up because she was worried about my lab results. First of all, how many doctors do you know that randomly call on the weekend, out of the office? I've seen so many doctors and even for me, that's a first. Now back to the story... I told the doctor how I was doing and that my temperature made it over 103 and she told me not to wait until Sunday morning to be seen, but to get in now. I may have pleaded a little bit but she was persistent.
I went to the ER and didn't have to wait long. I was careful about how I described my symptoms because once you mention chest pain, they assume it's the heart. I do know where my heart is and it hurt on the right, not the left. Still, I participated it doing the EKG just to make them happy. They left those sticky things on, but trust me, I took them off because they were done with them. I always need goobegone just about to remove the residue those stickers always leave behind!
Anyway, i then proceeded to the exam room and the doctor ordered more blood work and a CT scan of the lungs. The lungs were quite inflamed. Not only that but they discovered I had quite a bit going on and that was the reason I wasn't getting better and only worse.
The final diagnosis...
- severe sepsis with acute organ disfunction
- Elevated live function
- Acute interstitial pneumonia
After hearing that I thought of two things. "I told you so." and "I'm glad they found something and didn't try to say that I was just worrying to much, or making it up."
Now, here I sit, at home. Yes, I'm home and I didn't have to be admitted. Why? I really don't know because everyone is surprised they let me go home with all of that going on. Since I have been missing church for quite some time and I've been a bit quiet lately, I thought it was time to give people an update. So, here you go. 😏
The good news is, I was reassured that I will recover form this and that it's just going to be a little while longer. Now if they would have said be patient one more time, I may have responded in a way that would not at all be Christlike. They didn't say it!
Please just be praying. That's the best thing for you to do. I do want to get back to writing and I'm going to try. Just not sure as to when, or what about yet. Thank you everyone! Hope you had a little chuckle too, while reading this. If not, just chuckle now and be happy. 😁
God bless you all.
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