
Monday, February 28, 2011

Gotta Trust, God Commands It

God has put the title of this on my heart tonight, and gave me a nudge to write up this blog. I just completed my lesson for tonight, for my Bible Study tomorrow night. The Bible reading for tonight was Isaiah 48:12-22. I have been studying the book of Isaiah in Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) this year, and it has really touched my life. BSF in general has had a large impact on my life in a positive way. I want to share with you a couple verses that struck me tonight.

"This is what the Lord says -- your Redeemer, the Holy One of Isreal: 'I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go... They (Isrealites) did not thirst when he led them through the deserts; he made water flow for them from the rock; he split the rock and water gushed out.'" Isaiah 48:17,21

Like I said these verses struck me, and I felt a little leap in my heart when I read through this entire passage. I know that there are several verses in the Bible that talk about trusting in God, and He will guide His people wherever they go. Just to name a few, Josh 1:9, Prov. 3:5-6, Isaiah 58:11, and Jer. 29:11. God gave me a trust reminder tonight. Right before I started my lesson I had an incredible conversation with my roommate, and we both felt the Holy Spirit filling up our bedroom. I confessed my shortcomings how I so often catch myself worrying so much about the details of my life, and how everything is going to come together, such as finances, health care, and all the practical things that we need on a day to day basis. But then I get the knock in the head, and God speaks to me. God is my provider, He is my portion, and He guides my every step I make, and never leaves me stranded to try to figure it out. God has it figured out. God calls me to trust, to obey His word and trust what it says.

When I read the story of the Israelites wondering through the desert, I've thought so many times how foolish they were, and how great their lack of trust was. Here God performed miracle after miracles right before their eyes, and yet they still feared, grumbled, and tried to go and figure things out for themselves. We all know the story, but the reality is I think of how many times I have done the same thing. God has done marvelous works in my life, and has performed many miracles, yet so many times when a hard time strikes, or when I don't quite understand why I am led through the valleys and roads that I travel, I find myself acting very similar to the Israelites. I have to repent to God about this so often. God gave me a reminder tonight. I know that as I move forward, as I serve my Savior, and as God continues to use me in my life He will always provide in every area. Though it may be impossible in the worldly realm, with God it is not impossible.

I can feel it in my spirit that God is moving mountains in my life, and that He has some pretty remarkable plans in store for me. God continues to give me small glimpse of what He is calling me to do, and guides me one step at a time. I will never see the whole picture, but then again God does. God only requires me to trust Him, and to continue to walk by faith and not by sight. That is what I want to to. It certainly isn't easy, and yes it is a constant battle that is being fought, but in the end the battle will be won by the greatest Victor of all, and that is the God that I serve. The One who has conquered the world, and is sitting on the Heavenly Throne with the universe in His hands. He is watching over me, and He will never leave my side. There is nothing more encouraging than that.

I pray that you can be encouraged, and just continue to trust God in His plans for you. God has you in His hands, and has the perfect plan for you too. No matter what you may go through, or are going through in life, there is nothing too big, or too difficult for God to take care of. All He asks for of you is a willing heart, and for you to believe in Him, and trust what He says. God loves you. Turn your eyes on Jesus, in the midst of it all, keep your eyes upon Him, He is all you need.

God, thank you for being our Heavenly Father, the One who takes care of us, and guides our every step in life. Though the world around us may be crumbling, You are our Rock, our fortress, and our deliverer. Father You are the one that we need, and may we never stop running for you Lord. God give us the wisdom we need in the decisions that need to be made each day, and the guidance we need as we move around in this world. It is a very messed up world Lord, and a world full of people who so desperately need You. God I ask that You lead Your people, and teach us to trust in You and You alone. God may we stand together in unity, as a body of Christ with the mission to glorify and serve You. Lord I stand amazed at how marvelous You are. I so often am speechless, and am in total awe of You. You are God alone, and there is no one greater that You. Lord, guide us and lead us through the lowest valleys, and through the steepest mountains. Wherever You call us to go, may You give us the courage to follow. Thank you Lord. I love you oh God. In Jesus' Name, Amen

Friday, February 18, 2011

What's New

I realize that it has been a while since the last update, at least for me anyways because I typically write often about what's going on. There really isn't a whole lot new since the last time, other than being busy. Kinda boring I know! But my life isn't boring by any means, I mean sure maybe some moments are, but whose life isn't like that at times. Seriously though, I have been working with all sorts of projects, and gearing up for ministry. I've had a few struggles of discouragement these past couple of weeks, but thanks to all of your prayers for that, God has been delivering me out of that. He continues to show Himself faithful to me in amazing ways. Ways that I don't even expect sometimes.

I've been doing a lot of studying lately about the city of San Diego, as well as different areas that we can focus on ministry. I've been learning a lot about the city and the people in it. It has been a great advantage for me about already knowing the area a little due to numerous trips here long before YWAM came about in my life. But what is exciting is I never get tired of learning more about the city, and adventuring through it. God has opened my eyes to something, and is showing me all the different areas that He wants to lead me in. During the past several weeks I've been thinking a lot about my experience in San Francisco, and what I all did and learned there. It has been a year ago already since I've been there and finished my outreach of my DTS. It was an awesome outreach that is for sure. I have been missing it greatly, and think of the people there often. I made a lot of great friends there. I look forward to getting similar ministries started here and becoming more involved in this city as well as establishing more relationships. God keeps reminding me that this is what He is calling me to do, and He definitely has a job for me to do. This is what brings a song to my heart, and gets it to pound a little faster with excitement. God has called me to take my church's mission statement into action to San Diego and that is awesome. I will follow in the steps of Jesus down the streets, and wherever His steps lead me to go.

These next couple of weeks have some meetings in them with church leaders and individuals regarding this new ministry. I just recently finished a large project for our Baja and Beyond event, which I am very happy about. I was busy all week with this project, and now the event is this weekend. Several of our staff are down in Mexico working it and hosting a large number of people that will be building three houses for needy families. It is an exciting weekend!

I thank you for your prayers. I promise I will keep these blogs updated as much as possible. You all know I love to write, and share with you what's happening. God bless you all, and have an amazing day!