During the past several months I have fallen many times. Every time I was able to get up, usually with assistance, but I never hurt myself worse than maybe a bruise. Last week I tripped again and landed on my knee wrong and ended up with a torn ligament and added pain. I say it was one fall too hard. During the past few nights I have been thinking. Night time has become great thinking time because it is hard to sleep. Anyways I started to compare the fall to my walk with God.
As I've thought to myself, on the spiritual journey we have many bumps in the road, and times when we have fallen. The good thing is as Christians we never have to worry about falling too hard for God to be able to pick us back up. God always walks with us and if we surrender to Him, He will never let us down. God wants us to follow Him and do what He has called each of us to do. Many times we fail and try to do things on our own. That is when we run into trouble. Because of our sinful nature we do make mistakes. But God never says to us, "You're not good enough, and I don't need you anymore." No matter what, God will always be there.
God also gives us free will. He doesn't force us to follow Him or accept Him into our lives. But let me tell you, that when we do commit our lives over to Christ and choose to follow Him, we have a peace and a hope, and an assurance that we are His, and one day He will call us to be with Him for all eternity. God also promises us that He will be with us, and He will never fail us. He uses every trial for good and there is always a purpose for every one. No one can ever take the assurance away no matter how hard life may get. No matter how many times you stumble, God will always be there to pick you up, and there will never be a fall too hard.