I must say, God is good all the time. Through all the ups and downs God is always with us, and always faithful. God has answered prayers this past Christmas time because I have now been able to walk again without assistance. The end of this month will mark 3 years since I walked normally. This truly was a Christmas miracle and I give God all the glory. My physical therapist and doctors told me I would always need the walker and wouldn't be able to walk normally again. Nothing is impossible with God. On December 7th, 2014 was the first Sunday I walked into church since the journey started. It was simply amazing. It truly is a miracle and there's no other way to explain it. I still have my share of medical challenges, but I know God still has that all in His hands too. I can only lean on Him, and He is what gets me through each and every day. Even on the days when I'm down in bed, God is there.
I want to encourage you too. No matter what's happening in your life right now, never think that God can't handle it. Cast all your worries on Him. God is our Heavenly Father, and He loves each of us more than we can ever comprehend. He understands everything we go through in life. He collects every tear in a bottle. He never will give up on you. God's plan for your life will happen in His time. I know it's not easy to wait. If God has given you a dream and desire, it will be fulfilled. If it is His will, it will be done. Don't ever think that you're not worth God's time, because that is an outright lie. You are worth it. In fact, God gave His life up for you, just so you can have a relationship with Him.
I didn't think I'd be walking again. I often did get discouraged about it. In fact there are other areas in my life that I can get discouraged about. But I have to remind myself too, that God can do all things,. Even though the odds were against me, God miraculously gave me the ability to walk again. Miracles happen everyday. Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Trust in Him with all of your heart. Just remember, that no matter what life throws at you, God already has overcome it and with His strength, you will get through it. I know I have to tell myself the same thing. I still get discouraged but I have to turn those negative thoughts into prayer and give it over to Him. With God on our side we can get through anything that comes our way.