
Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Who do you Stand For?

I have been hearing a lot of ridicule lately.  All over the world, people are being persecuted for their faith in Christ.  I have heard comments on TV and seen different shows, where people are mocking Jesus, and mocking people who love and follow Him.  Just the other day I heard a comment from a celebrity who thinks people who love and thank Jesus, are people that are ex-crackheads.  There was a comment several months back from another celebrity who said that those who follow Christ have some sort of mental illness.  Everyday, people are mocking others who love Jesus in some way or another.  There has been horrible comments lately and honestly, it's just sad.  What is sad, is that there are more people in the world that don't have a relationship with Christ and are going to be spending eternity in hell, than there are those who are saved.  Those that are laughing at Christians and mocking them now, will one day be cast into the lake of fire for eternity, unless they come to Christ before it's too late.  All these people who are making fun of Christians, mocking the name of Christ and saying these horrible comments, are  people who in reality are miserable people.  They are the ones that are messed up.  Why are people who seem to have everything, as far as materialistic things go, and have all the money in the world, miserable people?  Why do you suppose that there are so many suicides and drugs and alcohol overdoses?  Are you happy when you get the house you want, or car, or job or whatever else you desire?  You might be for a while, but it won't be long before there is something else that you want to have.  None of us can find our joy and happiness from the things of this world. These are sensitive subjects and yet ones that really aren't addressed as much as they should be.  God has said that this world is full of troubles and hard times and that is because of a sinful broken world.  However, even though we do  have many troubles in this world, God also promises that He has overcome the world.  He did so by sending His Son Jesus to die on the cross.  He promises to be with us in  times of trouble, and if we choose to trust Him and follow Him, we will get through any hard time that comes our way, through His strength, and His alone. 
If you do not accept Jesus as your Savior, the Bible is very clear about where you will be spending eternity.  The thing is, God doesn't want His people to be eternally separated from Him.  God also doesn't want to force people to follow Him.  God desires a willing heart and someone who desires Him above all else.  Jesus is coming again soon.  God will only allow the world to go on for so long before He brings down the final judgement.   If you choose to follow God and His desires, and accept Jesus as your Savior, you will be welcomed into Heaven, but if you choose to live a life without Him, and decide that you don't need Him, you will be turned away.  Jesus was very clear about that and whether you acknowledge Him or not.  Matthew 10:32-33 says, "Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven.  But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven."
Who will you stand up for today?  Will you stand up for Christ or the ways of the world?  I really hope and pray that you will choose Christ.  Your eternal destiny really depends on it.  Not only that, but your life on earth will be so much greater with God in it.  I myself have gone through many different trials and hardships in life but in all honesty, I have gotten through every single hardship because of His strength, and no matter what happens to me, I have nothing to fear, because I do have Christ as my Rock, and He's all that I need in life.