
Friday, October 7, 2011

God is Faithful Through the Challenges

It has been nearly six months now since I've been battling the headaches. There still hasn't been a miraculous solution and doctors have tried many different strategies. I have definitely fought the battles of frustration and discouragement. I may not ever understand the big question of why. There are days where I don't feel like going forward, there are days when I ask myself is it ever going to end, and there are days when I want to scream.

However, even though I've had those rough days, God faithfulness has continued. In spite of it all, I still count the trials as a blessing. Every one of them. I have challenged others to persevere through their struggles and to remember to keep their eyes on Jesus, and I challenge myself the same thing everyday. I have blown it several times, but God still forgives me, and wants me to get back up and follow Him. Life is a journey. It's a journey about faith, enduring hardship, and picking up the cross and following in the steps of our Savior Jesus Christ. The road we are led on is narrow, it has bumps in it, and sometimes we may trip over the bumps and fall, but God catches us everytime.

Jesus suffered for me all because of love. He wants me to spend an eternity with Him, and He knew the only way that would be possible is if He died on the cross and took my punishment upon Himself. He did that for the world. But there is a world full of people who do not know Jesus. Jesus called me to serve Him, and tell others about Him. He never promised that if I follow Him I would live a pain free life. He has promised however, that He would always be with me and guide me in every step I take. He promised to never give more than what I can handle. One thing I know is that God says to "Endure hardship like a good soldier in Christ Jesus." (2 Timothy 2:3) I'm a soldier for Christ. I will endure the sufferings for Christ even if that means I have to battle headaches for the rest of my life. My life on earth is temporary. I have an enternal destiny waiting for me. I want to do everything God calls me to do here on earth so I can receive the crown of glory at my finish line.

God will be faithful through all the challenges. He always has been and He always will be. I want God to use me to touch the lives around me. I want Him to continue to use me to keep planting those seeds. The Holy Spirit will continue to do so, and He will continue to work in the hearts of those I minister to. Through all ups and downs, I'm never going to stop running for my King. That is my purpose, and God will be with me through it all, both now and forevermore.

Father God, you are so faithful. Thank You for Your faithfulness, and unconditional love. God, though it isn't easy, You have always been by my side. I have been drawn closer to You through every trial of my life. You had a marvelous plan for me before I was even born, help me to follow that plan. I love You Lord, and I want to share Your love with those all around me. Lead me and guide me, and help me to never stop running no matter how much it may hurt. I pray for Your will to be done. Forgive me for when I fail and help me to do what is pleasing to You. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


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