Merry Christmas everyone! It is a glorious time of year, isn't it? Last weekend I was able to travel to Mexico for the first time in several months and be a part of the staff conference as well as the all base staff Christmas party. I was encouraged greatly. God had a lot to share with me but something that I felt was most important for me to know was that God has been working in me and is able to do much more than I can ever imagine. Grant it I already knew that, but lately I haven't been necessarily taking that to heart as much as I should have been. I have fought a lot with discouragement off and on and many times have let that get the best of me. God has been very patient with me and last weekend I believe He had a lot that He taught me and reminded me of. I am very thankful that God continues to use my weaknesses for His glory and in spite of the difficulties, He becomes strong in me. He reminds me to keep looking up into the face of Jesus and to trust Him always. There isn't anything that is impossible with Him.
Maybe this Christmas is a difficult time for you. Maybe you have lost a loved one and are experiencing a lot of pain. Or maybe you or a loved one are fighting a difficult illness. Maybe you are dealing with financial hardship. Maybe you are struggling with discouragement. Or maybe you are far away from family and feel like you have to spend Christmas alone this year. Whatever it is that you are facing, know you are not facing it alone. I know what you may be thinking, that's easy for me to say. I do understand what it means to go through a hard time. I have had many experiences in my life that most people my age have not dealt with. What has helped me to overcome it, is God's amazing grace. His strength is what has ultimately kept me going. His strength is what will carry you through as well. Life can be very hard at times. But God is so faithful. Trust God with all of your heart. Though you may continue to struggle and face hardship, you are not ever walking it alone. God is walking through those dark valleys with you. One day you will make it to the other side and reach the top of that mountain. Keep climbing and don't give up.
God loves you. That is what Christmas is all about. Love came down over two thousand years ago through a little baby born in Bethlehem, born in a stable. The King of kings came down from heaven above and became one of us. He was born to die. Why? All because He loved us so much. He took all of our pain upon Himself. His name is Jesus. Emmanuel. God with us. God is with us. He loves us and He understands what you go through each day. Not matter what it is. This Christmas may you remember the true meaning. May you experience the everlasting love of your Father in Heaven. Have a very blessed Christmas my friends. Always remember God loves you more than you can imagine.
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