Dear Family and Friends,
Greetings! It has been an amazing summer, and it really flew by. I’ve been with Mission Adventures through YWAM this summer, and it was totally awesome. I’m so glad I had the opportunity to do this little adventure before my DTS in September. God has it planned out this way for a reason, and at first I was disappointed that the original DTS was cancelled. But I’m glad it was in a way, because I’ve met some amazing people here, and God opened my eyes to something incredible. I have been exposed to so much already and there is much more yet to come in the upcoming months.
Shortly after I arrived in Mexico, I went with the team to the loft houses which are very small houses about the size of a large bedroom the families live in. It was the first time I’ve been to a place like that, and my heart just broke when I saw how the families were living in Mexico. We went to one of the houses, and it was a very small house with no running water, only one bed, and bugs everywhere. Yet the family was content. They were happy to have a little place to call home and the kids were the sweetest kids. They had smiles on their faces, and they were just full of life. God taught me something that day; He showed me just one example on the poverty in the world, and made me realize how blessed I am. Another experience was when we went to build a house for a family. The house was small but the family was overjoyed to receive it. When we finished it and handed them the keys the entire family had eyes full of tears. They melted my heart that day, and I will never forget that experience. I’ve also did a lot of work around the base. God has really been teaching me to be a servant, and to do all work with a joyful heart! No matter what the task is big or small it is for God’s glory.
Each day I have been reminded to keep stepping forward in faith. The messages have been about following God and to not be afraid to go where He wants me to go. I have been growing more spiritually this summer, and want to continue to do so. The summer has had it’s hard times, but it has also been an incredible experience beyond what I can even explain. God has blessed me so much and His hands have been in all of this. During all the hard times God has uplifted me with His arms. God has used me in ways I may never know. God will continue to use me, and He has been preparing me for what is yet to come. Serving Jesus and following in His steps is what I want to do everyday until the day He calls me home. I give Him my life, and I’m willing to go with God wherever it is that He calls me to. God’s plan is much bigger than my own, and I surrender to Him.
Thank you for all your prayers and support during this journey! I will be leaving again on September 26th for my DTS. I will continue to keep you updated. I love you and again thank you!
In Christ,
Julie Vander Leest
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