
Saturday, February 13, 2010

Final Day in Frisco...

Today is my last day here in this city, for tomorrow I will be boarding a plane heading back to San Diego, and driving down into Mexico. What a journey it has been. It certainly has not been an easy one by any means, but my life has forever been changed. God's amazing power has worked in me in so many ways I can't even begin to describe it all. God has brought me through a road all about faith, trust, endurance, motivation, patience, and completely surrendering to Him. He has showed me what love really is. God has given me such a passion, and inspite of every hardship, trial, change and everything else it took to get to this point, I'm glad that I went through it all, for it was indeed for His glory.
My life has been a journey... but every step of the way God has been there. God had my life planned and formed before I even took a breath. I'm living in God's will, and following Him. Friday night, I had an awesome priviledge to hear one of my favorite speakers from DTS. His message struck me hard, for it is something that I totally related to. I believe it was God's divine appointment, for me, and He wanted me there that night. The message was about following God, and to not get discouraged when it seems as all of Hell breaks loose. It was about Paul... how he was lead by God to go certain places, but ended up with so much hardship, persecution, beatings, and imprisoned. How God showed His power when Paul was in prison, and a mighty earthquake broke the prison walls. But nobody left.
God's hands were in that just as God's hands are on my life. We were challenged with the fact that when we go through hard times people are watching us, and seeing how we react when trials come in our paths. It is a challenge yes indeed, but I know that no matter what happens, I need to keep my eyes on Jesus. Trust Him completely for He knows what He is doing. YWAM's mission statement is to know God and to make Him known. Last night we heard a song by that title written for YWAM's 50th anniversary. It was a beautiful song.
One of the lines in that song hit me..."sometimes I wonder is that really you God, for the challenge sounds extreme." God has been speaking to me and yes I've been wondering if that has really been Him. For God is calling me into places, where it sounds way too big for me. The challenges are huge, and I can go on and on. But one of the biggest lessons I've learned here in DTS is never under estimate God's power. For there is nothing God can't do through me, and nothing that is impossible with Him. I am challenged to keep fighting for my King, and serving Him with everything I have. Going to the places He calls me to, and letting Him provide for everything. Not to be afraid of what lies ahead of me, but ato plow through it with confidence and knowing that God is running by my side. I've heard over and over again people doubting me and making me feel like there is no way I can ever do anything that I've said I've felt called to do, but you know what, they can doubt me all they want, for it is not me who will be doing any of it. God will be doing the work through me. People can doubt all they want but nothing is going to keep me from serving God, and being who HE wants me to be.
God is moving in me, and my heart races at the thought of all of it. The fire is burning inside of me. There is so much more ahead of me, and I will not quit. I am standing strong for my King, and God's strength is perfect. "I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me." Phil. 4:13. That verse was also my 8th grade graduation verse, and also one of my life verses.
The journey is not over, DTS is almost over, but my life of serving God, will keep going until the day He calls me Home. I'm a missionary for Him, and I'm going into the world to tell about His amazing love.


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