Each time I make my trips to the post office, I can't help but to get a sense of nerves and a load of excitement within me. Thinking that once these letters leave my hands and hit the mailbox, I am now one step closer to taking another leap of faith. A huge step and one that sends a whole mixture of emotions. The first time I sent out letters was when I explained to everyone that I was planning on joining a DTS... telling them my story on how God worked through me my entire life, to get to that moment. I walked around a little bit before I put them into the box, thinking does God really want me to do this, what am I getting myself into. I wanted to do it slow, but a lady comes out and tells me I can just throw them all in the big bin she had since I had so many. That made it quicker than what I had anticipated.
Now today a whole new experience is about to unfold. One that's even longer than my DTS. For now I sent out the letters explaining that I am called to be a full-time missionary for God. Meaning that I will be moving out to a whole new ball park. Well not totally new, but the experience itself certainly is. The area not so much. But the thing is my mind races a mile a minute for I know that God has big plans for me, and He has already demonstrated His power through me in incredible ways. I know that I was where God wanted me during my DTS, at just the right time, and everything I went through before my DTS, and during my DTS led me to just where and what God wanted me to do. Not only that but it prepared me even more for what God wants me to do in my future. With all the battles that I faced, some made me feel to the point of throwing in the towls, but I know that God gave me the strength I needed to get through each one.
God has placed a burning desire on my heart to serve, and to tell the world about Him. It started at 10 years old, and at that time I didn't realize that my childhood dream would someday become a reality. But it did. I went through some very hard times and traveled through some dark valleys throughout my life, and the darkest time period was my high school years. (Please read my testimony page for more of my story). But God has been faithful, and He always will be. God is mighty enough to create something as huge as the Grand Canyon, and He takes care of all the living beings within; He is also watching over me, and I am more precious to Him, than the animals within, that being said, I know God will be taking care of me. He will guide my steps, even when it feels like I'm on the rims of the cliff, God won't let me fall.
So now as I prepare for what God has next for my life, I must keep my eyes focused on Him. Letting Him be the Light to my path, and the Light through me in this dark world. The biggest lesson I've learned in my life is to not give up, to keep running, even when it hurts. When the heart starts to burn, and I feel like I can't go another step, God will still be there cheering me on. Saying "you can do it my child, my strength is all you need and I'm carrying you through." I will serve my King and be all who He wants me to be. When the trials come, and the mountains seem to hard to climb, God will always give me the strength to move forward. Yes I'm sure there will be more tough times, but the theme song of my life is Through it All. God promises me that He will be with me through everything, and He is a faithful and loving God who keeps all His promises, and I can rest in His everlasting arms. I'm here to be all who God wants me to be, and nothing else.
Though it All by: Adrae Crouch
I've had many tears and sorrows,I've had questions for tomorrow,there's been times I didn't know right from wrong.But in every situation,God gave me blessed consulation,that my trials come to only make me strong.
I've had many tears and sorrows,I've had questions for tomorrow,there's been times I didn't know right from wrong.But in every situation,God gave me blessed consulation,that my trials come to only make me strong.
Through it all,through it all,I've learned to trust in Jesus,I've learned to trust in God.Through it all,through it all,I've learned to depend upon His Word.
I've been to lots of places,I've seen a lot of faces,there's been times I felt so all alone.But in my lonely hours, yes, those precious lonely hours, Jesus lets me know that I was His own
I thank God for the mountains,and I thank Him for the valleys,I thank Him for the storms He brought me through.For if I'd never had a problem,I wouldn't know God could solve them, I'd never know what faith in God could do.
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