
Friday, April 9, 2010


Tonight was an incredible night. Here I was sitting in the arena with about 9,000 people listening to an awesome concert and worshiping God together. A number of artists performed: Sidewalk Prophets, Fee, David Crowder Band, MercyMe, and a few others. But when MercyMe performed, that is when the tears, started to well up uncontrollably. I was pretty glad it was dark in the place that's for sure. But there were two songs in particular that hit me pretty hard and most of you probably know or at least have heard of them... Homesick, and I can Only Imagine. I think first of all since I can relate totally to the lead singer, when he sings these songs, and it has been just over 10 years since his dad died, and mine too. But those tears were not really tears of sadness, but rather tears of joy. Knowing that my dad and all my loved ones that have gone before me have no more pain, no more sorrow, and they are rejoicing eternally with our Heavenly Father.
I just wanted to share that you know it is really an awesome comfort knowing that we will be going Home someday to meet our Savior face to face. For me personally I know that God has plans for me here on earth first... after all I came pretty close to going Home. I know that and as I listen to the news, go to town, or just walk around my own neighborhood, I come across many people who do not have that joy. They have no idea what it means to have true happiness. All the material goods in the world can't make a person truly happy or feel loved... only God can fill in the hole of people's lives, and only He can bring a person Home. This life is only temporary... and God has a lot to teach me yet, but this is not my true home. I'm a pilgrim walking through to my final Destiny. But until I get Home to reunite with everybody, and celebrate eternally with my Savior, God has given me a job to do. That is to go into the world, where He leads me and share His love. Allow Jesus to shine through me, and share my story and God's amazing love and grace.
Jesus will carry me through, I believe that with all of my heart. Even though sometimes the pain gets pretty rough, and I feel all alone, I can rest in His arms. He carries me through and sometimes I do get the feeling of homesickness. Not just my earthly home, but my heavenly home. Because I do still miss my loved ones who are no longer with me. There are a ton of things I would have loved to share with them. Tell them about all the things I've done, but that day is yet to come. I am going to keep running for my King. When it's time to go Home, I know that my Father will be there with His open arms, saying welcome home My daughter, I am proud of you.
When we all get to Heaven what a glorious day that will be. Until that day comes may we never stop living for our King. Let us continue to be the Light in the dark world. They need us now more than ever...
Father, I praise You for Your love, for Your guidance, and for never letting us go. You are the One I adore, the One I want to follow. Lord, please lead me into the places You have called me to. Help me to stand out... all for Your glory. I am not here to receive any special attention, or spotlight, my life is about serving You, and praising Your name. This world is full of hurt, greed, hate, lust, pain, sorrow, and many other things... God this world needs the Light of Jesus. Please light the Fire within me, and all my brothers and sisters in Christ. May we stand hand in hand, and stand up for Jesus. We are soldiers for You. Arm us with Truth, and protect us Father. You are an awesome and wonderful God, and oh how I love You. Teach me to walk by faith, and not by sight. In Jesus' Name Amen


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