
Friday, April 23, 2010

One Week and Counting...

Yes you did read the title right. As of today I have one week left here at home. It is official next week Friday I am loading up my little car, and driving on down to San Diego, where I will start as a full time YWAMer. I'm joining staff there. Many people ask me how long is this next phase, and I always answer with I don't know. Well I know now, it is going to be as long as God wants me there.
I'm so excited, but there is also a ton of anxiety. I mean my heart is pounding out of my chest at times. I cannot believe the time is here. The time that I worked so hard for, all the preparations, the waiting, doors opening and closing, and the emotional ride it has been, all of that and more, has led me to this moment. One thing is for certain, the enemy did not want me to get this far. He tried everything in his power to get me to quit. There were times I almost did. But there is something else inside of me that kept me going. That is my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He was my strength when I felt like I didn't have another step left in me. He was the One running by my side, He was carrying me, and He felt everything I went through. I felt the heart-aches, the dissapointments, and the struggles. I could not have gone through these past couple years without Him. I'm glad that I listened to His still small voice telling me to keep going. Now He is leading me to the next step. I can enter it with confidence knowing that His strength is in me, and He will never let me go.
Though there are going to be challenges in my future I'm sure, I am not afraid to face them. I won't be facing them alone. God has given me all that I need, and I know He will always provide. (Phil. 4:19, and Isa. 58:11). Now that I've been home and re-fueled, I feel even readier than ever. God has called me, and the time has come, the door has opened, and it is time for me to walk through it. Please pray for this next chapter of my life. I thank all of you who have been praying me through... my family, church family, YWAM family, and all my friends. You guys are the most amazing people ever, and you all mean the world to me. Thank you for you prayers, support, and also thank you for being a listening ear when I needed to talk, some of you even were that shoulder for me to cry on. God bless you all, and as always I will keep you posted on all that goes on. Te quierro mucho (I love you :)!!


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