
Sunday, December 18, 2011

Christmas Time is Here

Merry Christmas everyone! It is a glorious time of year, isn't it? Last weekend I was able to travel to Mexico for the first time in several months and be a part of the staff conference as well as the all base staff Christmas party. I was encouraged greatly. God had a lot to share with me but something that I felt was most important for me to know was that God has been working in me and is able to do much more than I can ever imagine. Grant it I already knew that, but lately I haven't been necessarily taking that to heart as much as I should have been. I have fought a lot with discouragement off and on and many times have let that get the best of me. God has been very patient with me and last weekend I believe He had a lot that He taught me and reminded me of. I am very thankful that God continues to use my weaknesses for His glory and in spite of the difficulties, He becomes strong in me. He reminds me to keep looking up into the face of Jesus and to trust Him always. There isn't anything that is impossible with Him.

Maybe this Christmas is a difficult time for you. Maybe you have lost a loved one and are experiencing a lot of pain. Or maybe you or a loved one are fighting a difficult illness. Maybe you are dealing with financial hardship. Maybe you are struggling with discouragement. Or maybe you are far away from family and feel like you have to spend Christmas alone this year. Whatever it is that you are facing, know you are not facing it alone. I know what you may be thinking, that's easy for me to say. I do understand what it means to go through a hard time. I have had many experiences in my life that most people my age have not dealt with. What has helped me to overcome it, is God's amazing grace. His strength is what has ultimately kept me going. His strength is what will carry you through as well. Life can be very hard at times. But God is so faithful. Trust God with all of your heart. Though you may continue to struggle and face hardship, you are not ever walking it alone. God is walking through those dark valleys with you. One day you will make it to the other side and reach the top of that mountain. Keep climbing and don't give up.

God loves you. That is what Christmas is all about. Love came down over two thousand years ago through a little baby born in Bethlehem, born in a stable. The King of kings came down from heaven above and became one of us. He was born to die. Why? All because He loved us so much. He took all of our pain upon Himself. His name is Jesus. Emmanuel. God with us. God is with us. He loves us and He understands what you go through each day. Not matter what it is. This Christmas may you remember the true meaning. May you experience the everlasting love of your Father in Heaven. Have a very blessed Christmas my friends. Always remember God loves you more than you can imagine.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Okay, before you think I'm moving to Idaho or something along those lines let me explain that is not the case here. So, now that that is settled, let me move on to why the title.

Actually, writing this post has been on my heart for a while now, I just haven't made the time to sit down and write it. A couple of weeks ago I was walking around SeaPort Village, one of my favorite spots for evangelism. I was wearing a t-shirt that simply had Idaho written across it. I guess not too many people walk around San Diego with that t-shirt these days, because I received more comments and attention than I ever have before. They weren't mean comments, but rather it opened up a few doors to talk to people, or even more simply smile and wave at them as we passed each other. Those I talked with thought I was a tourist from Idaho. Yes originally I am from Idaho, but I was not a tourist. Anyways, the point that I'm trying to make is, people were interested because of what I was wearing, and asked what brought me to San Diego. At the end of the day as I drove back I thought maybe a cool idea of an ice breaker would be to wear shirts from other states around the country other than California, because that seemed to spark up some interests, and when people ask what brings you here, that is the perfect opportunity to tell them what you're doing.

That same day, I talked with the same homeless man that I usually talk with in that area. He sits in the same spot pretty much everyday. He has the same prayer request for his health and still has never looked up as he talks to me. I don't what goes on in his daily life, or much about his story, other than he has had horrible experiences with his family. God keeps asking me to talk with him and pray for him, and I know I have to continue to be obedient to that. It is hard, because I see a man that is hurting so much and has a heavy burden and really needs the strong arms of Jesus to lift it off his shoulders. I prayed with him again, and it is my prayer that God will revive his heart and he will come to know Jesus as his Savior.

Each week as I've gone out has been different. Sometimes I talk to a few people and pray with them, other times it turns out to be a prayer walk. God continues to use both for His purpose and glory. It is a blessing, it really is. Whether I'm wearing the Idaho shirt or something else, I want people to see Jesus in me as I walk by. That is who I am serving, and Jesus is the one who has brought me here.

Friday, October 7, 2011

God is Faithful Through the Challenges

It has been nearly six months now since I've been battling the headaches. There still hasn't been a miraculous solution and doctors have tried many different strategies. I have definitely fought the battles of frustration and discouragement. I may not ever understand the big question of why. There are days where I don't feel like going forward, there are days when I ask myself is it ever going to end, and there are days when I want to scream.

However, even though I've had those rough days, God faithfulness has continued. In spite of it all, I still count the trials as a blessing. Every one of them. I have challenged others to persevere through their struggles and to remember to keep their eyes on Jesus, and I challenge myself the same thing everyday. I have blown it several times, but God still forgives me, and wants me to get back up and follow Him. Life is a journey. It's a journey about faith, enduring hardship, and picking up the cross and following in the steps of our Savior Jesus Christ. The road we are led on is narrow, it has bumps in it, and sometimes we may trip over the bumps and fall, but God catches us everytime.

Jesus suffered for me all because of love. He wants me to spend an eternity with Him, and He knew the only way that would be possible is if He died on the cross and took my punishment upon Himself. He did that for the world. But there is a world full of people who do not know Jesus. Jesus called me to serve Him, and tell others about Him. He never promised that if I follow Him I would live a pain free life. He has promised however, that He would always be with me and guide me in every step I take. He promised to never give more than what I can handle. One thing I know is that God says to "Endure hardship like a good soldier in Christ Jesus." (2 Timothy 2:3) I'm a soldier for Christ. I will endure the sufferings for Christ even if that means I have to battle headaches for the rest of my life. My life on earth is temporary. I have an enternal destiny waiting for me. I want to do everything God calls me to do here on earth so I can receive the crown of glory at my finish line.

God will be faithful through all the challenges. He always has been and He always will be. I want God to use me to touch the lives around me. I want Him to continue to use me to keep planting those seeds. The Holy Spirit will continue to do so, and He will continue to work in the hearts of those I minister to. Through all ups and downs, I'm never going to stop running for my King. That is my purpose, and God will be with me through it all, both now and forevermore.

Father God, you are so faithful. Thank You for Your faithfulness, and unconditional love. God, though it isn't easy, You have always been by my side. I have been drawn closer to You through every trial of my life. You had a marvelous plan for me before I was even born, help me to follow that plan. I love You Lord, and I want to share Your love with those all around me. Lead me and guide me, and help me to never stop running no matter how much it may hurt. I pray for Your will to be done. Forgive me for when I fail and help me to do what is pleasing to You. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

It's Just Heartbreaking

I don't understand why sometimes there are people who are completely ignored like they don't even matter. I mean, when observing people and how they interact with others can be pretty hard sometimes. Let me explain what I'm getting at here. Today I was eating some lunch and I noticed a homeless man walk by. He smiled and waved, I smiled and waved back. A few minutes later I saw the man walk away, and as he walked by someone else he smiled and waved at them. The people he waved to, completely ignored him as if he didn't exist. I had to ask myself why did that just happen? He was just being friendly, not even asking for anything in return other than a wave, and smile.

I witness this kind of behavior very often. I see people walking by homeless people as if they're invisible. It really breaks my heart to see people ignored, forgotten, and sometimes even beaten. I've heard many stories from many homeless men and women in both San Francisco, and San Diego and every one of them broke my heart in one way or another. I've said this a while back, but I'll say it again.... my heart has been ruined, but ruined in love. There is a lot that I've witnessed already, but it has only given me a bigger love for these people. God has given me such a heart for them. The more I see people ignored, the more I want to sit by there side and let them know that they are valuable. They are loved. They do have a purpose. They are not forgotten. They need to hear it time and time again, because most of them don't feel that way.

God loves them. He loves all of us so much that He sent His Son to die for us. God loves everyone from rich to poor, young to old. God's love is so great that there isn't anything you can do to change that. Our job is to share that love. Let the world know who Jesus is and be the hands and feet of Jesus. It is something that I strive to do each day. With God's power working in me, and His strength guiding me through, I can. I want to continue to sit next to the hurting people in this world and listen to their story, but more imporantly tell them that God loves them. Share with them what Jesus did for them, and pray for them.

"Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." Matthew 25:40

Father, I pray that You will continue to break my heart for what breaks Yours. I pray for the people who feel forgotten, and unloved. Help Your children to share that love. Help us to let our lights shine for You. God I pray that those who feel alone, that You will surround them with Your presence. Fill their hearts with Your love, and may they have that everlasting joy and happiness that only You can give. God give me the words to share with them. I pray that Your Name will be glorified. In my weakness may you become strong. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Great Adventures

The summer has come and gone as we said our farewells to the final Mission Adventures team last weekend. It was an incredible week with them, and I will not forget it. Each student was challenged in one way or another to step out of their comfort zones, take a step of faith, and share Jesus with the people of the city. I can say that I am proud of each and every one of these students as I witnessed them sharing with the lost and hurting people of San Diego.

There were several activities my co-leaders and I did with the team. The students created signs to display in SeaPort Village. The purpose of the sign was to encourage people, make them stop and think, and also to start up a conversation with those walking by. Many did stop by and ask what the sign was about, and that gave the students the open opportunity to share their faith. The students also had a chance to make a lunch and share with a homeless person. We also took the teams down to Feeding America SD and labled 1500 cans for the needy. Each evening, we helped out with a VBS at a local church. On the final night of VBS I was asked to share about YWAM, and our mission. After the week long team left, a weekend team came and served with us. We did similar activities with them. I also was able to go to Mt. Soledad ("Prayer Mountain," is what YWAM calls it,) with this team. We took the team there to pray over the city of San Diego, and the seven spheres of influence. On top of the mountain is a huge cross pointing up to the sky. It really gave me that reminder of Who is over this city, nation, and world. We had a time of singing on the grass area, and as the students were singing I observed the people around us. We had a family stop and join us and sang with us. It was awesome! For both teams, I shared about the issues of poverty, hunger, and human trafficking in the city. I have done a lot of studying on those issues in this city. It is something that many of us don't realize that happens so much in the states but it certainly does. Each night the teams wrote down the names of the people they talked to and they filled several pages.

It was certainly an amazing week, and this summer really was a great adventure for us. This past week I was able to participate in mostly everything. God gave me a lot of strength to do so. Now as I sit here, I am reflecting on all that had happened this summer. God's call on my life to come back to San Diego and start urban ministry became a reality. There have certainly been quite a few battles along the way, and even though I'm not through the battles, I am fighting them with His strength. As I continue to walk forward, God has a lot He wants me to do and learn, and as I continue on ministering in the streets, I trust that God will be my guide and His name will be glorified through it all.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Running the Race

Have you ever ran in a race? Maybe you have back in grade school during track and field days, or maybe you were on the track team in high school. If so, do you remember the feeling of having the crowd in the stands cheer for you as you ran by? As you were running, and your heart was pounding, maybe you felt like you couldn't run another step. Maybe you were like me who wasn't the fastest runner on the track, and dreaded track and field day each year, or as my school called it "green and gold day." But what really got me motivated was the crowd. They would be cheering for me to keep running. Many times members of my family were there and that made me feel good about myself.

There is something about having an audience cheering you on as you run a race isn't there? In life we are running a race. One that God has marked out for us. Though it isn't a literal one, it is still one with many hurdles along the way. Some are high hurdles and very hard to leap over. Many times during the race I'm on I get really tired and weary. I feel like I can't run another step. God reminds me that He is cheering me on, not only that but there is a whole heavenly crowd cheering me on. God is also running by my side, and carrying me through. As I am running the race that God has marked out for me, God gives me the reminder of all the heroes of faith cheering for me. Jesus is my number one cheerleader. Though it is very hard, and painful I can keep going because I have God on my side helping me along the way.

Do you feel like you can't run the race anymore? Maybe you feel like you're defeated, worn, or just tired of the struggles in life. Maybe you feel like you don't have what it takes to run the race God has marked for you. If God marked the race out for you, He will give you the strength to run it. Though it may be hard, and painful, God promises that HE won't leave your side. You can keep running with His strength.

Friday, June 17, 2011

On Eagle's Wings

"He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of weak. Even youths grow tired and weary and young men stumble and fall, but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:29-31

This is a great promise to live by. It is during times like these especially when I can use that reminder. God has given me the strength I have needed each day, and has blessed me with many wonderful people running by my side. In times like now, when I feel worn, and weary, I am reminded of what God has done through me, and what He has yet to do in me and why He has called me here.

Lately I've been thinking a lot. I've been thinking, because physically I haven't had very much strength and I've been feeling like I haven't really been having much of a purpose. Tonight, as I've been resting for a while, I thought well maybe somehow through my hard times I can still be a blessing to someone else. I want other people to realize how much God loves them. That is why I do what I do. Though I may not be physically able to be out there on the field, that doesn't mean I still can't be soaring on wings like eagles. Through my pain I still want to be a blessing to someone. I want to still be the hands and feet of Jesus. I think that is what God is asking me to do.

I want to encourage others to keep their eyes on Jesus even when it does hurt. I want to let you know that it is okay to cry, and tell Jesus how you feel. Jesus doesn't expect you to be some iron robot that can handle anything and everything, He actually wants to to be open with Him, and tell Him what is on your heart. He's your friend. So dear friends what you go through, know that you are not alone. Remember that you are soaring on wings like eagles, because Jesus is carrying you through. Believe me when I tell you this. Maybe you are not physically hurting right now, but you know someone who is, pass this word on to them. Tell them to keep looking up to the face of Jesus. Tell them to cling to Him. If they do not know who He is, just keep encouraging them. Let me know how I can pray for you.

Father, even though I am unable to be physically out there on the streets sharing Your love, I thank you that I can still share Your love in other ways. God I thank you for the blessings of friendships and prayer warriors. Lord, I admit it is painful right now. But you have been so faithful, and I thank you for giving me the strength each day. I pray that you do the same for those who are in need of it around the world today. Lord, you are Lord of all the world and no matter what goes on Your hands will always be holding us all. Thank you for giving us the strength and power, and enabling us to soar on wings like eagles when we place our hope in You. May we find rest and shelter under Your wings, and always remember that You love us more than we can ever imagine. May I never stop lving for you God, no matter what. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Like the Waves of the Ocean

Last night I was lying awake for a long time... not nearly as long as the night before but it was a little different last night. At night the pain increases and even with a pain killer I can't manage to close my weary eyes and fall asleep. I put my headphones in my ears and decided to listen to some music. I thought just maybe that would help me. As the music was playing I had the perfect picture of me walking along my favorite place. The beach on Coronado Island, where I usually go to clear my head and have that moment with God in His creation. As I was listening to the music I was taken back to the place where I sat on the rocks watching the waves crash against them and the sun gleaming marvelously on the water. My mind was totally in tuned to the worship music and the visualization of me on the beach. The pain didn't seem to be bothering me as much. All that mattered was I was laying in the hands of my Savior. It was a beautiful moment. God gave me a visualization of how powerful He really is. His power is beyond my comprehension but the waves crashing perfectly along the rocks was a reminder for me. His power is like the waves of an ocean. It can sweep you up before you have a chance to swim away. It can take you to another destination, and it can give you the ride of your life.

God's power is a mighty one, that's for sure. God has the healing power beyond what doctors can do. I know that He also has ultimate comfort during the hard times. It is through His comfort and His power that I can move on. I can walk the journey onward with Him.

Right now it is definitely hard. I can't say that it isn't or I'd be lying. There are days when the pain becomes brutal, and there are days when I can say it's not so bad I can tolerate it. But after this week of staying in the hospital, and hearing about the numorous prayers going up on my behalf, and knowing how many people love me and care about me, I think, how blessed I am to belong to God's wonderful family. Today I was able to go to church for the first time in about a month. How awesome was that to be back. The service hit home for me. It was a beautiful service and a message about the power of prayer. I won't go into the whole message here, but let's just say God is moving, and His power is definitely released through us.

I know that I can continue with His strength. I look forward to the day I will meet Jesus face to face when I walk through the gates to my eternal destiny, and when Jesus says to me, "Welcome home my child, well done my good and faithful servant." What a glorious day that will be. But until that day I want to continue to run the race with perseverance and keeping my eyes fixed upon Him. Even in pain I never want to stop living my life for Him, and Going to where He has called me to go.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

When the Storms Arise

Well, some storms have come again and set before me is a choice. I can either continue to walk forward and with God's help rise above the storms, or I can say I'm tired of the storms and the feeling of defeat time and time again. I can say the pain is too big, the waves are too high for me it'll be easier to walk away now while I still can. But I know that if I say the words "I give up," I am letting the enemy win. I don't want to give the enemy a foothold here. I want to continue to walk forward, and I want to be all who God has called me to be.

Right now, I have to be honest. It is hard. I don't understand why when everything was going so well, a curve ball has come, and it seems as though all has crumbled before me. I may never know why sometimes things go the way that they do. But I don't think that is what is important, I don't need to know why. I believe that God wants me to just keep my eyes up, and though the pain may rise, God will rise higher. God has been with me through the storms in the past, and He promises that He always will be. With that promise, I can walk forward. God is all that I need, and He is my healer. It may seem that there is a thorn in my flesh that hasn't gone away. But even if God decides to never take that thorn away, it isn't going to stop me from living my life for Him.

There is nothing that can happen to me that will make me turn the other way. No matter how painful it may be, I still want to serve my King with all that I have. God wants me to be a missionary, He wants me to share Jesus through the streets, and He wants me to be a follower in His steps and pick up the cross and follow Him. Jesus knows what I am going through, He suffered everything that I suffer from and even more, all for love. When I hurt, Jesus hurts, He shares my pain. But Jesus says, "Cast all your anxiety on Me, because I care for you." ( 1 Peter 5:7) I can feel God's hands upon me. Through the pain and tear filled eyes, I can see His face, I can feel Him leading me through.

I Thank God For The Mountains, and I Thank Him For The Valleys, I Thank Him For The Storms He Brought Me Through. For If I'd Never Had A Problem, I Wouldn't Know God Could Solve Them, I'd Never Know What Faith In God Could Do.

So with that, my choice is made. I've chosen to follow my Lord through it all. I will walk through this storm, and I know that God will lead me through to the otherside. I will live my life for Him, and will serve Him everyday for the rest of my life, and look forward to the day that I will be with Him for all eternity.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

City Lights

Major cities are known to have millions of lights throughout the streets. Then there are the sky-risers with thousands of lights shinning in each of them, yet there is so much darkness throughout as well. I'm not talking about physical darkness, I'm talking about spiritual darkness. Each time I walk through the streets of San Diego, I can see that there is such a need for Jesus. People walking up and down the streets, workers coming in and out of their offices, and the poor sitting on the curb asking for someone to give them money, all of them from young to old, rich to poor need Jesus. There are thousands of people living, visiting, and or working in the cities, and out of those thousands there are many people who do not know Christ.

Last week Friday I walked through downtown San Diego, to pray and minister to the people that God led me to. I met one homeless gentleman whom I talked to before. He remembered me and I had another good conversation with him. I learned a little more about him and he is a really nice guy. I also noticed that he had a lot of pain in his eyes. Not once did he make eye contact with me and most of the time his head was buried into his chest. He is a hurting man, that appears to have a heavy burden on his shoulders. He didn't tell me that, but he didn't have to. I felt God leading me to give him encouragement. God wanted me to tell him that he was loved, loved by a Holy and Mighty God, who gave His Son to die for him. I asked if there was anything he wanted me to pray for but he said, "No, I'm in good shape." I told him that I have been praying for him. I prayed over him the last time I met him. I feel that God wants me to go back to the spot where this man spends the majority of his time, and continue to share Jesus with Him. To build a relationship with him, and to continue to be the hands and feet of Jesus.

I talked to another homeless gentleman that day as well. He was a little more outgoing, and I could tell he loved talking to people. I learned a lot about this man, and he shared how he had moved from city to city across the nation. He did a lot of rambling, but I don't think he gets the opportunity of talking to people too often. I asked him if I could pray for him, and he said, "sure." He asked me to pray for his health. After the conversation was over I asked him if I could give him something. I pulled out a Bible from my bag and handed it to him. He accepted it, and said his previous Bible was stolen and he thanked me for it. He said that he would read it. I can only trust that God will touch his heart completely and that the Holy Spirit will work in his life.

I know that God continues to lead me to more and more people as I move forward into this ministry. It is still on the ground floor, but God has already been moving and teaching me more and more about how I can serve Him in this way. I know that God wants me to be the light in the city, and shine for Jesus throughout the city streets. I believe that as I talk and minister to the homeless, God is using that to minister to those around me, to those that are passing by overhearing the conversation. I know that God is planting the seeds in these people's hearts, and that they will multiply for His glory and to further expand His Kingdom. God will use me to be the city Light, the Light that only Jesus can give. God is the Lord of all these people, and there are greater things still to be done in this city!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Gotta Trust, God Commands It

God has put the title of this on my heart tonight, and gave me a nudge to write up this blog. I just completed my lesson for tonight, for my Bible Study tomorrow night. The Bible reading for tonight was Isaiah 48:12-22. I have been studying the book of Isaiah in Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) this year, and it has really touched my life. BSF in general has had a large impact on my life in a positive way. I want to share with you a couple verses that struck me tonight.

"This is what the Lord says -- your Redeemer, the Holy One of Isreal: 'I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go... They (Isrealites) did not thirst when he led them through the deserts; he made water flow for them from the rock; he split the rock and water gushed out.'" Isaiah 48:17,21

Like I said these verses struck me, and I felt a little leap in my heart when I read through this entire passage. I know that there are several verses in the Bible that talk about trusting in God, and He will guide His people wherever they go. Just to name a few, Josh 1:9, Prov. 3:5-6, Isaiah 58:11, and Jer. 29:11. God gave me a trust reminder tonight. Right before I started my lesson I had an incredible conversation with my roommate, and we both felt the Holy Spirit filling up our bedroom. I confessed my shortcomings how I so often catch myself worrying so much about the details of my life, and how everything is going to come together, such as finances, health care, and all the practical things that we need on a day to day basis. But then I get the knock in the head, and God speaks to me. God is my provider, He is my portion, and He guides my every step I make, and never leaves me stranded to try to figure it out. God has it figured out. God calls me to trust, to obey His word and trust what it says.

When I read the story of the Israelites wondering through the desert, I've thought so many times how foolish they were, and how great their lack of trust was. Here God performed miracle after miracles right before their eyes, and yet they still feared, grumbled, and tried to go and figure things out for themselves. We all know the story, but the reality is I think of how many times I have done the same thing. God has done marvelous works in my life, and has performed many miracles, yet so many times when a hard time strikes, or when I don't quite understand why I am led through the valleys and roads that I travel, I find myself acting very similar to the Israelites. I have to repent to God about this so often. God gave me a reminder tonight. I know that as I move forward, as I serve my Savior, and as God continues to use me in my life He will always provide in every area. Though it may be impossible in the worldly realm, with God it is not impossible.

I can feel it in my spirit that God is moving mountains in my life, and that He has some pretty remarkable plans in store for me. God continues to give me small glimpse of what He is calling me to do, and guides me one step at a time. I will never see the whole picture, but then again God does. God only requires me to trust Him, and to continue to walk by faith and not by sight. That is what I want to to. It certainly isn't easy, and yes it is a constant battle that is being fought, but in the end the battle will be won by the greatest Victor of all, and that is the God that I serve. The One who has conquered the world, and is sitting on the Heavenly Throne with the universe in His hands. He is watching over me, and He will never leave my side. There is nothing more encouraging than that.

I pray that you can be encouraged, and just continue to trust God in His plans for you. God has you in His hands, and has the perfect plan for you too. No matter what you may go through, or are going through in life, there is nothing too big, or too difficult for God to take care of. All He asks for of you is a willing heart, and for you to believe in Him, and trust what He says. God loves you. Turn your eyes on Jesus, in the midst of it all, keep your eyes upon Him, He is all you need.

God, thank you for being our Heavenly Father, the One who takes care of us, and guides our every step in life. Though the world around us may be crumbling, You are our Rock, our fortress, and our deliverer. Father You are the one that we need, and may we never stop running for you Lord. God give us the wisdom we need in the decisions that need to be made each day, and the guidance we need as we move around in this world. It is a very messed up world Lord, and a world full of people who so desperately need You. God I ask that You lead Your people, and teach us to trust in You and You alone. God may we stand together in unity, as a body of Christ with the mission to glorify and serve You. Lord I stand amazed at how marvelous You are. I so often am speechless, and am in total awe of You. You are God alone, and there is no one greater that You. Lord, guide us and lead us through the lowest valleys, and through the steepest mountains. Wherever You call us to go, may You give us the courage to follow. Thank you Lord. I love you oh God. In Jesus' Name, Amen

Friday, February 18, 2011

What's New

I realize that it has been a while since the last update, at least for me anyways because I typically write often about what's going on. There really isn't a whole lot new since the last time, other than being busy. Kinda boring I know! But my life isn't boring by any means, I mean sure maybe some moments are, but whose life isn't like that at times. Seriously though, I have been working with all sorts of projects, and gearing up for ministry. I've had a few struggles of discouragement these past couple of weeks, but thanks to all of your prayers for that, God has been delivering me out of that. He continues to show Himself faithful to me in amazing ways. Ways that I don't even expect sometimes.

I've been doing a lot of studying lately about the city of San Diego, as well as different areas that we can focus on ministry. I've been learning a lot about the city and the people in it. It has been a great advantage for me about already knowing the area a little due to numerous trips here long before YWAM came about in my life. But what is exciting is I never get tired of learning more about the city, and adventuring through it. God has opened my eyes to something, and is showing me all the different areas that He wants to lead me in. During the past several weeks I've been thinking a lot about my experience in San Francisco, and what I all did and learned there. It has been a year ago already since I've been there and finished my outreach of my DTS. It was an awesome outreach that is for sure. I have been missing it greatly, and think of the people there often. I made a lot of great friends there. I look forward to getting similar ministries started here and becoming more involved in this city as well as establishing more relationships. God keeps reminding me that this is what He is calling me to do, and He definitely has a job for me to do. This is what brings a song to my heart, and gets it to pound a little faster with excitement. God has called me to take my church's mission statement into action to San Diego and that is awesome. I will follow in the steps of Jesus down the streets, and wherever His steps lead me to go.

These next couple of weeks have some meetings in them with church leaders and individuals regarding this new ministry. I just recently finished a large project for our Baja and Beyond event, which I am very happy about. I was busy all week with this project, and now the event is this weekend. Several of our staff are down in Mexico working it and hosting a large number of people that will be building three houses for needy families. It is an exciting weekend!

I thank you for your prayers. I promise I will keep these blogs updated as much as possible. You all know I love to write, and share with you what's happening. God bless you all, and have an amazing day!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Through His Eyes

Throughout the darkness there is Light. The Light over powers the darkness. The Light is in me. That Light is Jesus. Jesus lives within me and as I walk through the darkness of the city. Jesus is the Light that shines within me. I want to see the people the way that Jesus sees them. I want to look through the eyes of Jesus. Those who are living in this world who feel as if not a soul in the world cares about them, I want my hand to reach down to them, and say you are loved. Why? Because that is what Jesus would do. Jesus is asking me to follow in His steps, and His steps are leading me this way.

I have been working hard on gearing up for Mission Adventures, and one thing I want to be is an example for the young people that will be joining us. I want these young students to learn to look through the eyes of Jesus. I feel that God wants our hearts to break for what breaks His. I feel God has already broken my heart for these people that are alone. I feel that the desire continues to grow the more involved in the city I become. The more I prepare for the ministry, the more I feel God readying my heart to serve Him more. To live for Him more. To shine for Him more. God has been doing something in my heart that I would have never dreamed of just a year or so ago. God has given me a dream. That dream is being fulfilled. When God first asked me to step out in faith and follow Him, I thought what He was asking me to do was impossible. I thought that I was the wrong person for the job. I don't think that anymore. God showed me that I can do anything He asks me to. God has used my weakness and turned it into His strength.

This week I took a few of the staff down to the rescue mission. We all served the men in the mission some dinner, and all of the men there were very grateful. They were friendly, and happy to see us. It was awesome to work for God that way, and to see the joy on the guys' faces. I was able to see them through His eyes. These men were once broken down men with no where to go, but God has transformed them. There are many more people out there who need a transformation. So many people need to hear about Jesus, and be told that they are loved. They need to be told that they are valuable. God wants me to go and be a leader. Being a leader isn't a natural gift that I have, in fact I naturally am not at all a leader. But there is Someone else in me who is. His name is Jesus. Jesus is my leader and His is going to lead me and teach me how to lead others closer to Him. He is strong in my weakness, and I can rest assured that with His strength I can do whatever it is He asks me to do.

"For I am honored in the eyes of the Lord, and my God has been my strength... Kings will see you and rise up, princes will see and bow down, because of the Lord, who is faithful, the Holy one of Israel, who has chosen you." Isaiah 49:5,7

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Yes, He Can

We live in a very unpredictable world. A world that is full of fear, and despair. But one thing that is certain is God is still in control of this world and not a thing can happen without Him knowing.

In my own personal life I have many struggles that I have to deal with on a day-to-day basis, and each day I have to learn to leave all of them at the Throne. They are out of my control, and I have a choice to either worry myself sick about them, or I can say, "God I can't do this, but I know You can." God is a big and mighty God, and the things we struggle with are a "piece of cake" for Him to handle.

After my DTS, but before I joined on full-time staff with YWAM, I felt God calling me to do some pretty radical ministries, and to start some some ministries in San Diego. I felt that what He was calling me to do sounded pretty extreme for a few reasons. One of them because I feel very unqualified for the job, and the other it sounds like something that I am unable to do. How many of you had ever had those thoughts? If you are honest with yourself, I'm sure that you can say you have had similar thoughts, if not the exact same ones.

But I am here to tell you that God is the God of the impossible. He has shown that to me in countless ways. One of the biggest ways He has, is by leading me to where I sit today as a missionary for Him. It was quite a struggle to get to this point, but I knew that I had to persevere and keep charging through the struggles that came on my path, and with His strength I have done that, and with His strength I will continue to do that. When I say I am unqualified, or unable I am sounding exactly like Moses. Look what God did through him... look what He did through David, Daniel, & Paul and several others. Did any of them have the easy way? Of course not. Did they find themselves in situations that seemed impossible? They sure did.

So when I think about the stories in the Bible, and the stories from others today, I have one thing to say, "Yes He can." God can do anything. God led called me to city ministry, starting in San Diego, and I know that God will lead me through it. It won't be easy, there will be challenges, but God will lead me through them. I am very excited about this new ministry. God's dreams for me are being fulfilled. Though I may not know what the next step will bring, I do know Who will be there. I know that He knows what lies ahead, and I have to trust Him as my navigational Guide. He knows the way better than anybody.

God will lead you through your challenges too. As long as we step out in faith and be obedient to Him, He will lead the way and provide for our needs. There is nothing impossible with God, and we can do all things through His strength.